Monday, 13. June 2005!!!
hello everybod,
could you tell me how can I put my photo in the site,
actually I am trying, but I can not succeed, P-L-E-A-S-E help me.
yours lolla

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how to put a photo in the site
you click:
2. "add an image"
3. click twice "durchsuchen" (it means "search")
4. find your picture in your picture-folder
5. click on it twice
wait until it gets loaded
it will now appear in "images" with its code: the code is what is written between < >,
6. copy this code into a new story ("create story") . now you can also add any text.
good luck.

if there is any problem, you can also send your picture to me as jpg-document, and i will put it inside the blog.
kind regards
my mail:

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layla's photo
hi layla
i see that you managed to put your photo in the site, but not in a story. was this your intention? if you want it big and in a story, you click on:
1.create story copy the code of your picture:
3. you click "publish"
and this is it!

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