Sunday, 16. October 2005
Evelin (and everybody else),
Succoth is an 8-day Biblical pilgrimage festival. In Judaism it is one of the most important Jewish holidays.
Succoth commemorates the life of the Israelites in the desert during their journey to the Promised Land, the land of Israel. During their wandering in the desert they lived in booths (Succoth - the Hebrew term).
The Torah directs Jews to use four species of plants to celebrate the holiday: the Lulav (palm branch), the Etrog (lemon-like citron), Myrtle and Willow.
Succoth is a very predial holiday: its being celebrates every year at the end of the agricultural period (time of the harvest) and that's why it's a happy holiday. It's also very predual because it involves plants (the four species), and because of the sleeping outside of the houses in the booths.

I hope its enough understandable...

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hey lihi
how are you??????
thank you lihi a lot of the beautiful informations and i wish you a good holiday.
be happy you dont have school
with love

Hello Reem!
I'm fine, thanks!
And you?
You're welcome, and well, since the Ramadan months is yet to ended, I wish you a ramadan kareem!
I am happy I don't have school, because the last few weeks were abit stress. Hmm... can you please tell me when does eid el phiter begin (the date)?

hi lihi
how are you?
i am fine too.
thank you so much for wishing me ramdan kareem.
we dont know exactly when ramadan finish.
i think it will be in the 11_october or simething like that
with love

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thank you, lihi, for the info on succot. do YOU celebrate it in your family? do you build a succah?
it'S a very nice holiday for a change - with only nice traditions and rituals.
succot sameach

Dear Evelin,
No, we don't celebrate it in our house. We're not a religious family, we only do what a secular family does - the basic commandments and the feast. We've never bulit a succah. But, some of my family (of my Mom) are religious, and we always go and visit them, and celebrate with them, and it's very nice :)
Succoth sameach to you too,

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