Saturday, 29. October 2005
Ich wünsche uns alles das ein großes Wochenende.
Have a lovely weekend, everyone!
have fun!


p.s: zu meine gefickte schlampe / ruabnzutzla / sitzpinkler / Arschloch , ich liebe dich (ANDREA)...

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hey my lechi leizdayen calba!!
So what, you say ruabnzuzla and arschloch to me?? This is really not nice... so... lech tizdeyen you little kofa mefageret!
Well, although I would like to stupish you every day, I want to tell you that ani ohevet otach so much! bevakasha, leolam al tischkechie scheat bat adam nifla!! at hachavera hachi tova shelie!!
(ani lomed iwrith! <- that`s a sentence I learned... hehe...)
tesayne et aba shelach wetitakhi alaw!!
Well, all rights reserved for all those sentences!! ;-)
bye my lovely kofa mefageret, yours blöder affe, ruabnzuzla and so on... andrea

btw, nice sentence in hebrew: ani lomed iwrit... but just one thing, you're a female so you should write: ani lomedet iwrit =) but anyway, YOU'RE AWESOME IN HEBREW!
Yours, with love, *hugs and kisses*
deine blode affe!

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