Tuesday, 9. August 2005
Michaelas feedback on the peacecamp in Rechberg
peacecamp, 20:06h
1) I think that the peacecamp was from the beginning till the end a very special experience. I cannot even say which one was the best . Well, I think, one really particular situation was the end of the peacecamp. Everybody was sad to leave the others and I think this showed that we became real good friends during these 10 days. A big family! Another very particular experience was also the doll- making day. I think I was really concentrated and forgot everything around me and it was also very great that everybody gave his doll to somebody else of the group. It is a great feeling to share things, and just think about that one of your friends now has something of you. Isn’t it a good feeling?
2) A flop? I think that the Ehud lessons were no effectiv discussions. Because we didn’t discuss! We didn’t had the opportunity to say what we think, because he was talking all the time.
3) What I liked?—I liked the peacecamp. Everything in it, the activities (olympic games, dancing, climing up the mountain, visiting the lake, the boat race...) I liked the evenings we spent together, the discussions with Nili (expescially the group discussion), I enjoyed to see the family albums, the last night, the peacecamp dance( YMCA)..and for sure I LOVE all the people i met there. This week was a real great lifetime experience for me and I think everybody will keep it in mind as a wonderful, funny week we spent together.
There were also some quarrels, which were not okay, but I think everytime many people are together there are some problems and you cannot really do anything agains it.
I think on this camp I saw that thinking about peace is quite easy talking about it and finding solutions is more difficult and making peace is the most difficult thing in the world. But we can say, we started to help, to make the world a peaceful place to live in.
2) A flop? I think that the Ehud lessons were no effectiv discussions. Because we didn’t discuss! We didn’t had the opportunity to say what we think, because he was talking all the time.
3) What I liked?—I liked the peacecamp. Everything in it, the activities (olympic games, dancing, climing up the mountain, visiting the lake, the boat race...) I liked the evenings we spent together, the discussions with Nili (expescially the group discussion), I enjoyed to see the family albums, the last night, the peacecamp dance( YMCA)..and for sure I LOVE all the people i met there. This week was a real great lifetime experience for me and I think everybody will keep it in mind as a wonderful, funny week we spent together.
There were also some quarrels, which were not okay, but I think everytime many people are together there are some problems and you cannot really do anything agains it.
I think on this camp I saw that thinking about peace is quite easy talking about it and finding solutions is more difficult and making peace is the most difficult thing in the world. But we can say, we started to help, to make the world a peaceful place to live in.
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hiii everybody
shadi_9, 15:34h
i don't like something in the site that sometimes you are writing things in german langauge and we can't understand it...so please if you want to write in german langauge please translate it into english.
Shadi Matani
Shadi Matani
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Jürgens Vorstellungen von der Zukunft des peacecamp-Projekts
peacecamp, 13:54h
wäre eine 2. begegnung der rechberg-gruppe sinnvoll?
1 wo und mit welcher
> zielsetzung sollte diese stattfinden?
2> - ist eine weiterführung des peacecamp-projekts mit neuen gruppen
> sinnvoll?
3> - was könnte am peacecamp-projekt verbessert werden?
Eine Weiterführung des Peacecampprojekts wäre nicht nur mit neuen Gruppen, sondern auch mit den Teilnehmern der 2. Rechberggruppe äußerst sinnvoll. Ein wichtiger Teil des Projekts war es ja internationale Freundschaften aufzubauen und andere Kulturen (und Kochgewohnheiten) kennen zu lernen.
Da es der österreichischen und der slowenischen Gruppe gegeben war ihre Schulen und ihre Umgebung, die Umwelt und einige Sehenswürdigkeiten vorzustellen, sollten auch die beiden israelischen Gruppen die Möglichkeit haben dasselbe in ihrer Heimat zu tun. Natürlich wäre das für die Teilnehmer aller vier Gruppen höchst erfreulich, da ihnen eine willkommene Gelegenheit gegeben wäre ihre Freunde wieder zu sehen.
Auch andere Jugendliche sollten die Chance haben solche Erfahrungen, wie wir sie machen durften, zu erleben. Es würde ihr Leben bereichern und ihren Respekt für ihre Mitmenschen und andere Kulturen steigern. So könnte auch der Hass, den manche unserer Mitbürger gegen alles Fremde hegen, abgebaut werden. Nicht nur für uns Jugendliche wäre dies wünschenswert, es wäre auch interessant ein eigenes Peacecamp für Erwachsene zu gestalten, wobei dieses wahrscheinlich schwerer zu verwirklichen wäre.
Meiner Meinung nach könnte etwas mehr Sport in das Projekt eingebaut werden, beispielsweise Fußballturniere, Basketball oder Volleyball. Der größte Kritikpunkt des Rechbergcamps war meiner Meinung nach die Eintönigkeit der Stunden von Herrn Gilboa, der auf unsere Vorschläge (Wir, vor allem Michi, hatten uns sehr bemüht ihn in die Gruppe zu integrieren) die Stunden in seinem Sinn zu verbessern, nicht einging.
Der Sinn dieser Stunden war meiner Meinung nicht, dass nur ein einzelner redet und die anderen nicht zu Wort kommen lässt, und nicht auf die Vorschläge der Gruppe eingeht.
Frau Fugger kochte zwar hervorragend, doch einige Teilnehmer hatten entweder Angst vor der österreichischen Küche oder waren andere Speisen gewöhnt. Um dies das nächste Mal zu verhindern wäre es sinnvoll an jedem Tag Gerichte aus andern Ländern zu kochen, das heißt jeder Teilnehmer gibt sein Lieblingsrezept weiter und eine „Küchengruppe“, ähnlich unserer „Putzgruppe“ , kocht diese dann unter fachkundiger Aufsicht.
Die Aufenthaltszeit kam mir persönlich kurz vor, eine Verlängerung des Projekts wäre wünschenswert.
Ich hoffe, dass zumindest ein Paar unserer Vorschläge realisierbar (und realitätsnah) sind.
1 wo und mit welcher
> zielsetzung sollte diese stattfinden?
2> - ist eine weiterführung des peacecamp-projekts mit neuen gruppen
> sinnvoll?
3> - was könnte am peacecamp-projekt verbessert werden?
Eine Weiterführung des Peacecampprojekts wäre nicht nur mit neuen Gruppen, sondern auch mit den Teilnehmern der 2. Rechberggruppe äußerst sinnvoll. Ein wichtiger Teil des Projekts war es ja internationale Freundschaften aufzubauen und andere Kulturen (und Kochgewohnheiten) kennen zu lernen.
Da es der österreichischen und der slowenischen Gruppe gegeben war ihre Schulen und ihre Umgebung, die Umwelt und einige Sehenswürdigkeiten vorzustellen, sollten auch die beiden israelischen Gruppen die Möglichkeit haben dasselbe in ihrer Heimat zu tun. Natürlich wäre das für die Teilnehmer aller vier Gruppen höchst erfreulich, da ihnen eine willkommene Gelegenheit gegeben wäre ihre Freunde wieder zu sehen.
Auch andere Jugendliche sollten die Chance haben solche Erfahrungen, wie wir sie machen durften, zu erleben. Es würde ihr Leben bereichern und ihren Respekt für ihre Mitmenschen und andere Kulturen steigern. So könnte auch der Hass, den manche unserer Mitbürger gegen alles Fremde hegen, abgebaut werden. Nicht nur für uns Jugendliche wäre dies wünschenswert, es wäre auch interessant ein eigenes Peacecamp für Erwachsene zu gestalten, wobei dieses wahrscheinlich schwerer zu verwirklichen wäre.
Meiner Meinung nach könnte etwas mehr Sport in das Projekt eingebaut werden, beispielsweise Fußballturniere, Basketball oder Volleyball. Der größte Kritikpunkt des Rechbergcamps war meiner Meinung nach die Eintönigkeit der Stunden von Herrn Gilboa, der auf unsere Vorschläge (Wir, vor allem Michi, hatten uns sehr bemüht ihn in die Gruppe zu integrieren) die Stunden in seinem Sinn zu verbessern, nicht einging.
Der Sinn dieser Stunden war meiner Meinung nicht, dass nur ein einzelner redet und die anderen nicht zu Wort kommen lässt, und nicht auf die Vorschläge der Gruppe eingeht.
Frau Fugger kochte zwar hervorragend, doch einige Teilnehmer hatten entweder Angst vor der österreichischen Küche oder waren andere Speisen gewöhnt. Um dies das nächste Mal zu verhindern wäre es sinnvoll an jedem Tag Gerichte aus andern Ländern zu kochen, das heißt jeder Teilnehmer gibt sein Lieblingsrezept weiter und eine „Küchengruppe“, ähnlich unserer „Putzgruppe“ , kocht diese dann unter fachkundiger Aufsicht.
Die Aufenthaltszeit kam mir persönlich kurz vor, eine Verlängerung des Projekts wäre wünschenswert.
Ich hoffe, dass zumindest ein Paar unserer Vorschläge realisierbar (und realitätsnah) sind.
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Monday, 8. August 2005
Florians Zukunftsvisionen
peacecamp, 00:17h
1.Eine zweite begegnung wäre sicherlich sinnvoll, berücksichtigt man den
menschlichen aspekt (der meiner meinung nach einen sehr großen teil des
friedens ausmacht).es wäre ein großer wunsch aller teilnehmer sich wieder zu
sehen und freundschaften weiterzuführen bzw zu vertiefen, wieder spass zu
haben und zu merken dass man gemeinsam(mit wem auch immer)alles machen,
schaffen und bewältigen kann.
Eine zielsetzung für daszweite camp wäre für mich ziemlich ähnlich wie für
das erste camp, nur eben die fortsetzung davon....eine vertiefung des bisher
2.eine weiterführung des peacecamp-projektes ist auf jeden fall sinnvoll,
denn je mehr menschen selbst dieses erlebnis machen, desto mehr menschen
werden auch die vermittelte einstellung in die welt hinaustragen und aktiv
zum frieden und ....nennen wir es Nächstenliebe,obwohl mir dieser biblische
ausdruck in diesem context nicht so richtig gefällt....beitragen.
3.am peacecamp projekt kann (meiner meinung nach)nichts wirklich verbessert
werden, es ist ein rundum gelungenes projekt.
vielleicht sollte man den "wissenschaftlichen" teil etwas weniger für voll
nehmen, da dieser sowieso nur das bestätigt, was alle, die am peacecamp
waren, bereits wissen: Es funktioniert,es ist richtig und es ist
(hoffentlich) die zukunft.
ich hoffe wir sehen uns alle bald wieder....mit kleinkarierten grüßen
menschlichen aspekt (der meiner meinung nach einen sehr großen teil des
friedens ausmacht).es wäre ein großer wunsch aller teilnehmer sich wieder zu
sehen und freundschaften weiterzuführen bzw zu vertiefen, wieder spass zu
haben und zu merken dass man gemeinsam(mit wem auch immer)alles machen,
schaffen und bewältigen kann.
Eine zielsetzung für daszweite camp wäre für mich ziemlich ähnlich wie für
das erste camp, nur eben die fortsetzung davon....eine vertiefung des bisher
2.eine weiterführung des peacecamp-projektes ist auf jeden fall sinnvoll,
denn je mehr menschen selbst dieses erlebnis machen, desto mehr menschen
werden auch die vermittelte einstellung in die welt hinaustragen und aktiv
zum frieden und ....nennen wir es Nächstenliebe,obwohl mir dieser biblische
ausdruck in diesem context nicht so richtig gefällt....beitragen.
3.am peacecamp projekt kann (meiner meinung nach)nichts wirklich verbessert
werden, es ist ein rundum gelungenes projekt.
vielleicht sollte man den "wissenschaftlichen" teil etwas weniger für voll
nehmen, da dieser sowieso nur das bestätigt, was alle, die am peacecamp
waren, bereits wissen: Es funktioniert,es ist richtig und es ist
(hoffentlich) die zukunft.
ich hoffe wir sehen uns alle bald wieder....mit kleinkarierten grüßen
(2 Kommentare) ... comment
...not yet dead...
starflower, 20:48h
hi guys!!!
i just wanted to say that i'm still alive though it doesn't seem like it. I also want to apologize and say that i won't be able to write a lot since i got a job for the rest for this best of all summers i ever had...i'm working every evening....but i'll try to be online as much as i can.
Another thing i wanted to tell you (i just wanted to make you laugh) is that i cut my hair....the curls are officially off now...
love going out to all you guys....
so long, yours
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Short interview with Keren
peacecamp, 18:35h
Q. would it make sense to have a second reunion of the participants of peacecamp? what would be its aim?
A. yes cause when we were there in Austria it was so much fun and just like we were there i think it's time they'll come here to Israel... to know our country!! and it'll be fun as much as it was there..!
Q. would it make sense to continue the peacecamp-project with new groups? if yes, why and to what aim? what should be improved ?
A. yes of course! so other groups could expirience the same stuff we've been through! and i think Nili told us that maybe they'll add more groups to the project and i think they shouldn't! cause 3 it's enough!
A. yes cause when we were there in Austria it was so much fun and just like we were there i think it's time they'll come here to Israel... to know our country!! and it'll be fun as much as it was there..!
Q. would it make sense to continue the peacecamp-project with new groups? if yes, why and to what aim? what should be improved ?
A. yes of course! so other groups could expirience the same stuff we've been through! and i think Nili told us that maybe they'll add more groups to the project and i think they shouldn't! cause 3 it's enough!
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Thursday, 4. August 2005
Jernej's comments on the camp in Rechberg
peacecamp, 14:13h
1. The experience which was most important to me, happened on Monday at the evening discussion (family tree presentation). I was a part of something realy important (I strongly belive so). Students showed us (the adults) that all cultural and social differences, all prejudices and stigmas and all historical hatred, intolerance and political mistakes can be easily overcome, if we can listen to our good, unmanipulated side. They didn’t forget that they are Jews, Arabians, Austrians and Slovenes, but they discovered that there is something much more important than national or religious appurtenance; they realized that they are human beings which are living with other human beings. They try to solve problems as humans. And that is the greatest thing I heave experienced in my life. Thank you kids for showing me that that’s possible.
2. The greatest FLOP of this Peacecamp for me was Elfi’s assault on Sabreen during the Wednesday supper. I would like to forget it but I can’t. Such behavior is intolerable and I think that Elfi must apologize to Sabreen on the blogger.
The next thing is not a flop but just something that can be improved for the next event. The adults were to busy with them selfs and a schedule, so sometimes I got the feeling that we are forgetting the main an wonderful idea of the camp, being there for kids and show them to do better!
3. TOPS:
• Meeating great people (adults and the kids) and let them to become a big part of me
• Realizing that better world could be build with small steps as our peacecamp was.
• Finding out that as a teacher I’m working with incredibly smart and sensitive students, so to all the kids thank you for showing me that’s my work is important.
Jernej Bobek
2. The greatest FLOP of this Peacecamp for me was Elfi’s assault on Sabreen during the Wednesday supper. I would like to forget it but I can’t. Such behavior is intolerable and I think that Elfi must apologize to Sabreen on the blogger.
The next thing is not a flop but just something that can be improved for the next event. The adults were to busy with them selfs and a schedule, so sometimes I got the feeling that we are forgetting the main an wonderful idea of the camp, being there for kids and show them to do better!
3. TOPS:
• Meeating great people (adults and the kids) and let them to become a big part of me
• Realizing that better world could be build with small steps as our peacecamp was.
• Finding out that as a teacher I’m working with incredibly smart and sensitive students, so to all the kids thank you for showing me that’s my work is important.
Jernej Bobek
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Thursday, 4. August 2005
Otman's thoughts after the peacecamp
peacecamp, 01:19h
1.The most experience was to know and to be sure that we sucsses in the peacecamp and pass it in peacly way
The most emotional thing for me was to meet a great person like bobek.
I was positive surprised from the slovanian group,they r just wonderful guys.
The maneger of the slovanian group "ivanka" was a good maneger and wonderfull personality.
Also the Austrian group was great but I didn’t talk about them because I know them before this camp.
2. I was upset because of the weather that we couldn’t do things that will make the kids more happy and free.
3. I like in the peacecamp that I meet new group that I didn’t know them before like ,ivanka,bobik,nina,hanylora,riki,sharlote and my mate miss fogger the best of all.
I was happy to visit slovania but I would manege without the mountins train because it make me feel bad and I feel like the holocost .
The best for me was the olimpic day of the groups.
Finaly I want to say that I am sorry if I hurt someone not on purpose.
I work hard to make sure that this camp will gain his goals and its happin .
Greetings otman
The most emotional thing for me was to meet a great person like bobek.
I was positive surprised from the slovanian group,they r just wonderful guys.
The maneger of the slovanian group "ivanka" was a good maneger and wonderfull personality.
Also the Austrian group was great but I didn’t talk about them because I know them before this camp.
2. I was upset because of the weather that we couldn’t do things that will make the kids more happy and free.
3. I like in the peacecamp that I meet new group that I didn’t know them before like ,ivanka,bobik,nina,hanylora,riki,sharlote and my mate miss fogger the best of all.
I was happy to visit slovania but I would manege without the mountins train because it make me feel bad and I feel like the holocost .
The best for me was the olimpic day of the groups.
Finaly I want to say that I am sorry if I hurt someone not on purpose.
I work hard to make sure that this camp will gain his goals and its happin .
Greetings otman
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the future of the peacecamp-project: Nabeel's thoughts
peacecamp, 00:58h
Q1- would it make sense to make another encounter of the participants of peacecamp 4?what would be the aim of it?
i think it's very important to meet the other participants again because now when we are far away we feel the how important they were.
i think also that the aim is just to build the BIG one family again.
Q2-would it make sense to continue the peacecamp-project (with new groups)?
it's very necessary to continue in it because if you won't, the pupils will loose a valuable thing which will teach them many important things...these things will be useful in their future..
in addition they will pass a great, funny, and amazing experience.... they will make new friendships and will have a lot of fun with them.
Q3- how do you think does the peacecamp-project influence its participants?
it influences them in many things...
first of all it gives them hope for making a WORLD OF PEACE...and it gives them the opportunity which is very hard to be given in our country this opportunity is to meet new friends from different countries....I think that this thing(this opportunity) can influence us by giving us peaceful environment...so the project can give us happiness, hope and strong will to live in this WILD world....
Q4- if peacecamp continues - what should be improved?
NOTHING…..maybe….in my private opinion …THE FOOD…
i think it's very important to meet the other participants again because now when we are far away we feel the how important they were.
i think also that the aim is just to build the BIG one family again.
Q2-would it make sense to continue the peacecamp-project (with new groups)?
it's very necessary to continue in it because if you won't, the pupils will loose a valuable thing which will teach them many important things...these things will be useful in their future..
in addition they will pass a great, funny, and amazing experience.... they will make new friendships and will have a lot of fun with them.
Q3- how do you think does the peacecamp-project influence its participants?
it influences them in many things...
first of all it gives them hope for making a WORLD OF PEACE...and it gives them the opportunity which is very hard to be given in our country this opportunity is to meet new friends from different countries....I think that this thing(this opportunity) can influence us by giving us peaceful environment...so the project can give us happiness, hope and strong will to live in this WILD world....
Q4- if peacecamp continues - what should be improved?
NOTHING…..maybe….in my private opinion …THE FOOD…
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Tuesday, 2. August 2005
Shared feedback after peacecamp3 in Rechberg
peacecamp, 23:37h
1. Aleš Ločnikar
The most important thing for me was the resurrection of my soul. It was a big help for me, to escape the normal way of thinking and think and exist on a much more higher and emotional level. I really enjoyed it, that I was forced on an art-kind of way. It was really nice.
I think that nothing in the camp was a flop, because everything was a part of live and a part of existing in this world. I think this was live in the purest way. I have loved it.
The top of the camp was for me just the being with all those very nice people witch are my friends now. It was the living and existing between very nice people.
I would like to thank all adults in this camp, for giving us the opportunity to be a part of it. Thank you.
Aleš Ločnikar, Slovene group
Zame je bil eno veliko doživetje. Predvsem je bilo soočenje s samim sabo in z vso skupino ljudi zelo intenzivno. Bila je tudi velika možnost, ki jo je bilo treba izkoristiti, da spoznaš del sebe, ki ga jaz osebno prej še nisem imel priložnosti spoznati in doživeti. Mislim, da če bi z eno besedo moral orisati ta teden, bi rekel… pestro. Res je bilo pestro, tako v smislu samih dogodkov, kot tudi na čustveni bazi. Vse je bilo eno veliko doživeto čustvo, napolnjeno z vsemi pojmi, ki jih premoremo. Mislim, da vsak tak dogodek pusti nekje neke sledi v vsakem človeku. Veliko se lahko naučimo in se tudi smo naučili. Bil je lep način oziroma priložnost Odraščanja. Posebej za mlade ljudi, ki se v svoji mladosti najbolj intenzivno učimo in odkrivamo variacije življenja in kako se z njimi spopasti in kako na njih reagirati. Iz tega vidika je bil ta teden tudi ena od mnogih »stopničk« življenja. Sam sem zelo užival v vseh čustvih in mislih ter problemih, ki so se pojavili in ki smo jih bili sposobni rešiti ali pa smo jih odnesli s sabo domov, da o njih še intenzivneje razmišljamo in jih, mogoče, delimo še s kom. Na sploh pa se ta teden ni končal z odhodom domov. Tako čustveno stran, ki bo šele počasi zbledela, kot probleme, ki so se pojavili, bomo, mislim da, še kar nekaj časa premlevali in iskali rešitve ter ne prej nehali, dokler da ne bomo zadovoljni z rešitvami. Vesel sem, da je to naša narava, da želimo poiskati rešitve in ne obupati že pri majhnih težavah. Velikokrat pravijo, da življenje kali človeka; mislim, da smo bili deležni tega. Seveda je vse odvisno od posameznika, njegovih interesov in želj ter njegovem načinu razmišljanja, ampak skupno nam je bilo, da v razvoju nismo nazadovali, niti ostali na mestu. Mislim, da smo vsi naredili korak naprej. Zame se je ta kamp zelo izplačal in bil je smiseln ter koristen. Približal nam je fakt, kako težko je za človeško raso reševati probleme na human in miren način. Kako zelo težko je v množici ljudi z različnimi interesi, kulturo, vero, običaji in načinom razmišljanja ubrati mirno pot. Najlažje je reševati problem s silo. Tam ni potreben razum, nobena pot, noben način in noben kompromis. V vojni je vse dovoljeno in rezultat je očiten. Nekdo od poražencev »zmaga«. Tako je pot do rezultata enostavna. Posledice pa so ne samo zelo dolgotrajne ampak tudi globoko tragične. Poleg vsega degradiranja človeške humanosti, smrti, bolezni, brezdomja... Žal se vojna ne konča, ko se končajo spopadi, ampak traja še mnogo let in več generacij. Vse to je bilo vidno tudi v tem tednu. Zelo pozitivno pa je bilo, da smo vsaj udeleženci, katerih v primerjavi z vso populacijo, ni bilo veliko, vsaj imeli željo reševati probleme na human in miren način. Želja je bila prisotna. Žal je to že veliko, ampak nekje se mora začeti. Bil je lep teden v znamenju mira na svetu. Mogoče se ne bi smel nikoli končati, ampak bi moral zrasti čez vse ljudi na svetu. Ampak to so verjetno samo sanje nekega fanta, ki bi rad spremenil svet. Premalo nas je…
Aleš Ločnikar
Translation of Ales' comments:
It was one great experience for me. Facing with myself and with the whole group of people was very intense. It was also a great opportunity that had to be exploited to discover a part of yourself, which I had not had the chance to see and experience yet. If I had to describe this week with one word, I would say … fulfilling. It really was, because of the happening itself, and also on the emotional level. Everything was one great experiencing feeling, filled with all meanings that we know of. I believe that every thing as powerful as that leaves some important marks and traces in every person. We can learn from it and indeed we had. It was a nice way and an opportunity of personal growth and growing up, especially for the young, because our learning is most intensive in our youth, when we are discovering different variations of life, how to deal with them and how to react. From this point of view this week was one of the many steps in our lives. I personally enjoyed in every single emotion, thought and problem we were facing with, and which we were able to solve or maybe brought it back home to think about it even more, and also share it with someone else. Certainly this week has not ended with going home. So as with the emotional side, which will slowly fade away, we will also be dealing with the problems that occurred, for quite some time in the future, if not in our whole life, finding solutions for them and not stopping before we are pleased with what we achieved. I am glad that it is in our nature to find the solutions and not to give up as early as when facing some minor difficulties. It is said many times that life makes a person stronger, and I believe we were a part of that. Of course it all depends on the person, his or her interests, desires and way of thinking, but what we all had in common was that we had not gone backwards in our growth, nor we stayed in place. I think we all made a step forward. For me, this camp proved itself; it was reasonable and useful. It brought closer the fact, how difficult it is for a human race to solve problems in a humane, peaceful way.
2. ami hollander
1. all the peacecamp was important to me... i loved all the people!!! nili othman abir... conni lia andrea... matej ales.. shadi nabeel... all!!!!
i loved all the activities expect ehud session!!!
2. i disliked the fact that in the start all the arbic kids spoke about the "nakba" and that was so uncomfertable for me.
3. the top in the peacecamp was the people!!! conni andrea anna michaela shadi lia and everyone was the top of the peacecamp!!!
ami hollander
3. Abdallha Asaly
1) the important experience to me
the art day and when we do dolls frankly this the first time that
i do something in my ability and this a new way to
show your imagination and your think and in this days
really i do all my best to create the doll and the picture.
2) when we do the first meeting with nili in this meeting we
the Arab group and the Jewish group- talk about our problems-
and after the meeting - i know that
my group was the best and we speak in good way- but
i feel that all the groups hate as and i don't know
what to do so we decided to play game to broke
the dominant despair.
3)the next day because we find
a solution to our problems and when we went to the laser showing .
see you soon in israel..
Abdallah, Reem and a doll
4. nabeel
1.do you remember a particular experience or event during the camp, which was important to you? Well, in fact there are many events which I still remember & I won’t forget. For example when we made dolls with Ivanka, it was really a great experience. In this experience I learned many things like: 1- An amazing thing that I haven’t known before, this thing is “how to make Dolls”. 2- How to express your feelings in a little thing like dolls. I see dolls every day but I have never thought that the dolls are “the feelings” of its maker. When I did my doll I put all my feelings in it so I made it beautiful and happy like my feelings, and I want to add that me happiness in that time was caused by the great thing which named “ PEACECAMP”. Another event, when we went to the lake, it was really great. We were mixed in the boats and we had a lot of fun in our way to the other side of the lake. We joked, laughed and helped one each other in rowing. I learned a strange thing and maybe you will be surprised when you read it, I learned a new feeling,”how it would feel to be in one boat with new friends”. And I wont forget when I and all the boys were joking and kidding in the night when all the lights were turned off. 2. what was a FLOP for you?
First of all The Food, I really disliked it, maybe it’s delicious for you because you used to eat this kinds of food in Austria but we didn’t.
I’m sure that I haven’t forgotten anything because it was really the greatest camp in my life.
A little note: I don’t think that the food is important in the “peacecamp”, because you feed us another things, you feed our minds and this is the important thing.
3. what was TOP for you?
It’s a little bit hard for me because as I said above I liked every moment there and I wish if I still there with you.
I liked the dancing the painting the discussions the free time the Olympics the lake the shopping and the most important thing “ the participants”.
I’m sorry if I forgot anything.
Evelyn PLEASE make another PEACECAMP (4)
5. Christoph
1. the whole camp was perfect... it was so much fun with alll of the
teachers and the kids...
the most perfect event was, when i was walking along with ales from the
slovenian group, because we started to built a great friendship...
we're talikng about god and the world, music, our lives and about our
i guess it helped me a lot to hang around with an older guy, like him...
i learned a lot in this night
another very deep experience was, when coral and i we're sitting alone on
the wall next to the castle and we were looking to the stars....
it was so amazing as she put her head on my shoulder...
2. flop.... there's only one big flop: the sessions with ehud!
it was also fun 'cause we started danicng, playing games and we're talking
to the other participans and so we learned about them and their culture.
3. in this point i can only tell you that everything was perfect... i still
miss all my new friends and the camp was one of the best things in my life
(one of the two best things)...
it's too difficult to give an example, because it was great...
6. shadi
1)In my opinion it's a hard question because every event I spent there was important to me, it because when you are with deferent people from deferent cultures and traditions you may learn from them a lot of things, exactly when you are so close to them. when I see the photos in the web, I remember all the things that all are important to me and because they let me learn a lot of things. now it's hard to chose what was the most important, but this what I can remember it, it's the conversations when we were with Aihod and the conflicts exactly when we talked about the Arabs and the Jews in Israel and it because that the Arabs are minority in Israel. and it was important to me because then I learned from what the authors said about me and it's help me to understand them and after than to answer them and to correct them and to tell them the true about me. and I think that in this camps we can know about author I mean Arabs and Jews and to be close to the author also then it will be easy that the peace will come true.
2)well it's easy to chose what I dislike during the camp because there is just one thing that I dislike and I hate it, it was the food that we ate in the castle and exactly the dinners I don’t know why but I didn't like it !!! and I remembered something that I should say . its for the adults and it should be as an advice "its not hard to say sorry exactly after you do a mistakes "its for the adults and you know what I mean…and for whom…
3)I really liked everything at the camp and felt that I was very lucky to had the chance to take part in an amazing camp like this with special friends like the Jewish group, the Austrian the Slovenian and also the Arabs group that I didn't knew them before except of Reem that I knew her before. and I liked the green nature that I sew there and the valleys and the water that we miss in Israel and I liked all the leaders and also Gubrealla,Auhod,Sosi,yosi and all of them and now I am just waiting to the next camp in Israel…
Shadi Matani
Israel "Qallansawa"
7. reem
1- from my own experience all the events in the camp were important for me,
and i cant forget any event. but the most exiting event and the most exiting
event when we sat in mixed groups and find solutions for the problems in
israel, and we find solutions to make the relationship between arabs and
jewish better and for me if we act with the thigs that we said we will make
the situation better and better and we can live new life.
for me these event was the most important event because i could understand
all the members of the group and because every group worked as one hand and
we showed for the teachers that we can be one hand and we can live together
jewish and arabs, and i learned that the children the guides of the new
future can change every thing they want if they act and if they worked
2+3- i liked every thing in the camp exept the food and some other things,
the food was so ugly but not all the time because sometimes i loved the food
and sometimes i hate it. now i want to talk about the good things because
there is nothing bad in the camp, for me making new relationships is good,
meeting old friends " the participants of peace camp 1 and 2", learning
about austria and saw beautiful places in austria and slovenia, learning
about the cultures and the traditions of every country and i saw that the
traditions of jewish, slovenian and austrian are the same cultures and the
arabs culture is so different. i remember something i disliked in the camp
and it is the flop that we lived 10 days in one house and after that every
one went to his\her old house so i am not sure if we can meet together again
all of us for this i am sad because i wont see my friends again but i hope
that one day we will meet again.
reem matani- israel
8. Jürgen
1. The thing that came to my mind when I thought of answering the question
is the duty all of us had to do during the camp. The "Cleaning duty". Four
of us, one person from each group had to clean the breakfast tables for
We learned to work together by cleaning the mess we (all participants) made
during the day.
However, I remind also the beautiful evenings we spent togetherand this
memory will stay in my heart forever.
2. I disliked the Ehud's lessons. We didn't have a chance to say what we
wanted to say because he was talking the whole time. This part of the camp
could have been better organised. His lessons were also very !boring! (Ami
you're just great bfg)
3. The thing I liked most was the whole atmosphere. We really liked each
other- "Love is in the air".
Well, I also think we all became good friends and this one of the most
important experiences one can have during his life. This should also help us
to reach peace in the future.
9. Jernej
1. The experience which was most important to me, happened on Monday at the evening discussion (family tree presentation). I was a part of something realy important (I strongly belive so). Students showed us (the adults) that all cultural and social differences, all prejudices and stigmas and all historical hatred, intolerance and political mistakes can be easily overcome, if we can listen to our good, unmanipulated side. They didn’t forget that they are Jews, Arabians, Austrians and Slovenes, but they discovered that there is something much more important than national or religious appurtenance; they realized that they are human beings which are living with other human beings. They try to solve problems as humans. And that is the greatest thing I heave experienced in my life. Thank you kids for showing me that that’s possible.
2. The greatest FLOP of this Peacecamp for me was Elfi’s assault on Sabreen during the Wednesday supper. I would like to forget it but I can’t. Such behavior is intolerable and I think that Elfi must apologize to Sabreen on the blogger.
The next thing is not a flop but just something that can be improved for the next event. The adults were to busy with them selfs and a schedule, so sometimes I got the feeling that we are forgetting the main an wonderful idea of the camp, being there for kids and show them to do better!
3. TOPS:
• Meeating great people (adults and the kids) and let them to become a big part of me
• Realizing that better world could be build with small steps as our peacecamp was.
• Finding out that as a teacher I’m working with incredibly smart and sensitive students, so to all the kids thank you for showing me that’s my work is important.
Jernej Bobek
10. eden
After peacecamp 2005
1. Do you remember a particular experience or event during the camp, which was important to you?
אני זוכרת כשעשינו פגישה בעליית הגג והתחלנו לדבר על המצב בישראל ואז היהודים והערבים התחילו לריב ולהאשים אחד את השני בכל הדברים בארץ וכל הזמן האוסטרים התערבו וניסו לעצור אותנו מלהאשים אחד את השני ובצדק!!!!! וכלום לא יצא לנו מהשיחה הזאת!!! ויום אחרי ישבנו עוד פעם בעליית הגג והפעם ישבנו בקבוצות מעורבבות של יהודים ערבים אוסטרים וסלובנים והמטרה שלנו היה למצוא פתרונות לסכסוך. באותו לילה מצאנו מלא פתרונות והבנתי שזה יותר מועיל לשבת ולדבר ולנסות למצוא פתרון ולא כל הזמן להאשים אחד את השני במה שקרה בעבר, לנסות לחשוב, לשבת ולפתור את כל הבעיות שצפויות לנו לעתיד בשביל שיהיה לנו עתיד טוב יותר כי העבר כבר היה ואותו לא נוכל לשנות....
2. Please write down in a few words what you disliked during the camp: what was a FLOP for you? Give at least one answer.
1. מאוד לא אהבתי את האוכל שהיה במחנה!!! ירדתי 4 קילו בעשרה ימים האלה ועכשיו אמא שלי דוחסת לי אוכל לפה....
2. כשאלפי צעקה על סברין זה היה ממש לא יפה כי כולם לא אהבו את האוכל במחנה וסברין לא אכלה יום אחד בארוחת ערב בגלל שהאוכל היה מגעיל (אני מבינה אותה), והיא לא התלוננה ולא דיברה ופתאום אלפי התחילה לצעוק עליה!! שלדעתי זה לא היה צודק! אלפי אחר כך לא ביקשה ממנה סליחה שזה היה לדעתי פשוט חוצפה!!
3. לא אהבתי שלא יצא לי לקבל בובה כשחילקו בובות, אבל אחרי כמה זמן הבנתי שזה לא בגלל מי שאני אלה בגלל שהיו כמה ילדים שהביאו למורים ואז לא נשאר לשני ילדים, ולא כולם בחרו בילדים שהם רוצים להביא להם, הם לקחו פתק ומי שיצא קיבל את הבובה...
4. לא אהבתי את המפגשים עם אהוד! הוא לא עזר לנו בגרוש! רק במפגשים האחרונים נהניתי כי סתם הבאנו טייפ לשם ורקדנו. אהוד לדעתי כל הזמן רצה שיהיה בינינו קונפליקטים שלא היו וניסה ליצור אותם.!
5. לא היה כייף שביום הראשון הגענו מאוחר וביום האחרון יצאנו מוקדם לשדה התעופה!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Please write down in a few words what you liked during the camp: what was TOP for you?
Give at least one answer.
1. היום הכי כיפי בשבילי היה יום היצירה כי נתתם לנו להשתולל כשרצינו. כי יש ילדים שלא יודעים לצייר (אני לדוגמא) ואז במקום זה נתתם לנו חופש לעשות מה שבה לנו ביצירה והתחלנו להשתולל ולצבוע אחד את השני וזה היה ממש ממש כייף. וגם הציור שאני עשיתי היה מופשט וסתם שיחקנו עם הצבע וזה היה כייף!! אז ראיתם למרות שאני שונאת יצירה יום היצירה היה היום הכי כייף בשבילי...
2. היום ספורט גם היה כייף ענקי!!!!!!!!!!! גם בגלל שניצחתי וגם בגלל כל הפעילויות הנחמדות שעשיתם לנו ביום ספורט. אני מאוד אהבתי את הקבוצה שהייתי איתה אז היה לי מאוד כייף (הייתי עם שאדי,ניקה ופלוריאן) ולמשל התחנה שבה היה צריך להאכיל אחד את השני עם יוגורט הייתה מאוד כיפית וכל הזמן צחקתי... והתחנה שבה היו צריכים להוציא ענבים מתוך הקמח הייתה מאוד כיפית ומצחיקה. אחרי היום ספורט גם היה לנו הרבה זמן חופשי וזה היה כייף סוף סוף לעשות מה שבראש שלנו...
3. הברביקיו היה טעים!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. היה כייף בלילה שלא הכרחתם אותנו ללכת לישון ונתתם לנו להיות בחדר בלי לישון. כי אני די השתוללתי בחדר ואלו היו הרגעים הכי כיפים שלי בטיול!! פשוט הייתי עם כל הבנות ודיברנו ועשינו צחוקים!
5. היה כייף גם שיצאנו קצת מהטירה לטיולים כי אני מאוד אוהבת לטייל! הטיול להר היה מאוד כייף ולמכרה. הטיול למערת הנטיפים היה קצת משעמם אבל גם הוא היה בסדר!
6. בלילה האחרון היה כייף שנתתם לנו אפשרות להיות אחד עם השני בלי ללכת לישון כי ככה היינו יכולים לבלות את השעות האחרונות שלנו ביחד עם כולם ולהשתגע ביחד! וגם היה מאוד כייף בלילה האחרון כי באמת השתגענו!!!
7. היה כייף כשכמה מאתנו הלכנו לפעמים לרקוד בעליית הגג, על כל מיני שירים וסתם רקדנו ועשינו חיים!!!
8. הנוף מהטירה היה מהמם!! היה כייף לגור שם וגם המיטות היו מאוד נוחות ולא היו בעיות עם השירותים או עם המקלחת!
9. היה כייף שנתתם לנו הרבה זמן חופשי ולמשל בזמן הזה הלכנו לשחק כדורגל עם כולם והיה מאוד כייף ומצחיק! וגם לפעמים סתם ישבנו על המדרגות ודיברנו אחד עם השני, אז לדעתי הזמן החופשי היה טוב!!
10. אני מאוד אהבתי את השיעור עם גבריאל בבוקר כי זה באמת עורר אותנו לדעתי. היא עשתה לנו הרבה פעילויות מעניינות מאוד וזה היה כייף ומשעשע!
11. אהבתי את השיחות סיכום כל ערב שהיינו כולנו ביחד עם כל המורים וכל המשתתפים בחדר אחד ודיברנו על מה שהיה ביום או על נושאים אחרים שקשורים עלינו.
12. אהבתי את זה שכל אחד הביא לכל אחד מקבוצה אחרת מתנה, כי עכשיו יש לכל אחד לפחות מזכרת ממשהו שהוא הכיר ואוהב. אהבתי גם את הדרך שבו חילקתם את המתנות, זו הייתה הדרך הכי ניטרלית שאפשר.
13. אהבתי מאוד את הנסיעה לאגם!!!!!!!!!!!! כי בה נתתם לנו מלא חופש! נתתם לנו להסתובב שם בשוק לבד וכמה שרצינו, נתתם לנו ללכת לאן שרצינו, לא הכרחתם אותנו להיות עם מבוגר, האגם היה יפה, התחרות של הסירות משוטים הייתה מאוד כיפית. ואותו דבר עם הנסיעה למופע האורות שהיה, כי אני סוניה וקרן הסתובבנו בעיר שם ובכלל שחכנו מהמופע אורות והיה מאוד כייף כי פשוט הסתובבנו בעיר ואכלנו פיצה והיה מצחיק!
14. לא יודעת למה... אבל היה כייף שכל הצלמים באו ביום האחרון וראיינו אותי.
15. היה כייף שכולם חתמו לי על החולצה של ה- peacecamp .
16. היה כייף לרקוד את הריקוד y.m.c.a שזה בעצם היה הריקוד של ה- peacecamp .
17. בקיצור אלו היו העשר ימים הכי כיפים שהיו לי בחיים אני מודה לכל מי שתרם לזה כסף ובכלל לכל מי שתרם!!!! זו הייתה חוויה כיפית ומלמדת שאני לא יודעת מה הייתי עושה עם עצמי אם הייתי מוותרת עליה. הכרתי אנשים כל כך חמודים!!! יצרתי מלא חברויות עם ילדים מארצות אחרות שלא חשבתי שדבר כזה יקרה לי בחיים! שיפרתי את האנגלית שלי בצורה מדהימה! אני מאוד מקווה שיהיה עוד peacecamp כי אני לא יודעת מה אני ישעה אם לא יהיה, כי אני מתגעגעת לכל החברים שלי משם. אני אוהבת את כולם שם ויש לי עכשיו חברים חדשים לכל החיים!!!!
Eden /translated
1. A meaningful experience on the camp and what I learned from it
I remember that we sat in the attic one evening and started to talk about the situation in Israel, and the Arabs and the Jews started to argue and to blame one another for all the things which happen in Israel, and the Austrian would intervene all the time and would try to stop us from accusing one another - and rightly so!!!! And nothing came out for us from this conversation! And on the next evening we sat again in the attic and this time we sat in mixed groups of Jews, Arabs, Austrian and Slovenes and our goal was to find solutions for the conflict. And on this evening we found lots of solutions and I understood that it is more useful to sit and talk and try to find solutions to the conflicts, rather than to accuse one another for what had happened in the past, and to try and think and solve the problems which we are likely to confront ion the future, so that we have a better future, because in any case, the past has already happened and we cannot change the past.
1. I very much disliked the food on the camp!!!!! In these 10 days I lost 4 kilos and now my mom puts all the time food in my mouth!
2. When elfi shouted at sabreen this was really not nice because all of us disliked the food and sabreen did not eat supper one night because the food was really disgusting (I understand her), but she did not complain nor say anything, and suddenly elfi started to shout at her!! In my opinion this was not fair! After that elfi did not apologize to her and this, in my opinion, is a real cheek!!!!!
3. I disliked the fact that I did not receive a doll when they distributed the dolls, but some time later I understood that this was not because of what I am, but because some kids decided to give their dolls to the teachers and therefore two kids were left without a doll, not all the kids gave dolls to the kids to whom they wanted to give one, but the drew a piece of paper and gave their doll to the person whose name was written on it,….
4. I did not like the sessions with ehud! He was not helpful to us at all! I enjoyed only the last sessions, because we brought a tape recorder and danced there. Ehud all the time wanted us to have conflicts amongst us and we did not have any, and he tried to create them among us.
5. It was not nice to arrive late at night on the first day and to leave to the airport so early on the last day!!!!!!!!!!
3. TOP?
1. For me the most enjoyable day was the creative day because you just let us have fun while we were creating things. Because there are kids who do not know to paint (me for example) and so you just let us have fun and we started to paint one another and this was really fun! And also the paining that I did was abstract and I just played around with the paint and this was really fun!! So you see, even though I hate to be creative, the creativity day was the best day for me!
2. The sport day was also a day of great fun!!!!! Also, because I won, but also because all the nice activities that you prepared for us on the sport day!!!!! I very much liked the team I was part of and so I had lots of fun (I was with shadi, nika and florian) and for example the station where we had to feed each other yoghurt was very funny and I was laughing all the time…. The station at which we had to pick up the raisins out of the flour was also very funny. At the end of the sport day we also had plenty of free time and this was also very nice, to just be able to do what we wanted to do.
3. The barbeque was really tasty!!!!!!!!!!
4. At night, it was nice that you did not force us to sleep and let us stay in the room without sleeping! As a matter of fact I as fooling around in the room and these were the best moments for me on the trip! We just were there all the girls and would talk and laugh and make fun!
5. It was also very nice to go out of the castle and go on trips. Because I really like going on trips! Climbing the mountain was really fun! The trip to the ice-caves was a bit boring, but it was also okay!
6. on the last night it was nice that you just let us stay with one another and did not have us go to sleep because in this way we could spend the last hours together and get crazy together! So the last night was really fun because we did really fool around together!!!!
7. It was fun when some of us would sometimes go up in the attic and dance together on all kinds of music and songs and just enjoy ourselves!!
8. The landscape around the castle was fabulous!!!! It was fun living there and also the beds were good, and there were no problems with the bathrooms and showers!!!!
9. It was great that you gave us plenty of free time and in this time we used to play football and it was really great fun. And sometimes we would just sit and chitchat on the stairs and in my opinion these free times were really good!!
10. I very much enjoyed the morning sessions with Gabrielle which would really make us wake up in my opinion! She made us do all sorts of very interesting activities and this was fun and entertaining°!!
11. I liked the daily summary-talks each evening when we sat all of us and all the teachers and talked about what had happened on that day or about other things.
12. I liked that everybody brought gifts to everybody from the other groups, because now everybody has at least one souvenir from somebody that he met and likes. I also liked the way in which you distributed the gifts, which was the most neutral way to distribute them.
13. I very much liked the trip to the lake! Because there you gave us really a lot of freedom! You let us walk around the shops as much as we wanted you did not force us to be with an adult, the lake was beautiful, the rowing race was really fun! The same thing at the trip to the lights-show at the lake, because Sonia, keen and myself walked around and we completely forgot about the show and it was just fun to walk around the city and have pizza and ice cream!
14. I don't know why …., but it was fun when all the photographers came on the last day and I was interviewed.
15. It was fun when everybody signed their names on my peacecamp-shirt.
16. It was fun to dance the ymca-dance which was actually the peacecamp-dance.
17. So finally, these were the best 10 days I ever had in my whole life and I thank everybody who contributed to it money or who simply contributed to it!!!! This was the most pleasurable experience and the experience from which I learned most and I don't know what I would do with myself, had I missed it!!!!! I met so sweet people!!! I made lots of friends with kids from other countries whom I would never have met and I would never have believed that something like this could happen to me!!!! I also very much improved my English! I very much hope that there will be another peacecamp because I don't know what I will do if there is none! Because I so much miss all my friends and I very much love all of them and I know that I now have new friends for the rest of my life!!!!
11. Saso
1. One special experience was when we talk about problems in Izrael.
The second one was when we were talk about our famali.
2. I didn't like that we didn't have a lot of free time, because
during our free time we can easyer talk with others participants.
3. I realy like the last day, becasuse we have a lot of free time and
the Olypic games.
Big hug from Radlje, Sašo!
1) I think that the peacecamp was from the beginning till the end a very special experience. I cannot even say which one was the best . Well, I think, one really particular situation was the end of the peacecamp. Everybody was sad to leave the others and I think this showed that we became real good friends during these 10 days. A big family! Another very particular experience was also the doll- making day. I think I was really concentrated and forgot everything around me and it was also very great that everybody gave his doll to somebody else of the group. It is a great feeling to share things, and just think about that one of your friends now has something of you. Isn’t it a good feeling?
2) A flop? I think that the Ehud lessons were no effectiv discussions. Because we didn’t discuss! We didn’t had the opportunity to say what we think, because he was talking all the time.
3) What I liked?—I liked the peacecamp. Everything in it, the activities (olympic games, dancing, climing up the mountain, visiting the lake, the boat race...) I liked the evenings we spent together, the discussions with Nili (expescially the group discussion), I enjoyed to see the family albums, the last night, the peacecamp dance( YMCA)..and for sure I LOVE all the people i met there. This week was a real great lifetime experience for me and I think everybody will keep it in mind as a wonderful, funny week we spent together.
There were also some quarrels, which were not okay, but I think everytime many people are together there are some problems and you cannot really do anything agains it.
I think on this camp I saw that thinking about peace is quite easy talking about it and finding solutions is more difficult and making peace is the most difficult thing in the world. But we can say, we started to help, to make the world a peaceful place to live in.
The most important thing for me was the resurrection of my soul. It was a big help for me, to escape the normal way of thinking and think and exist on a much more higher and emotional level. I really enjoyed it, that I was forced on an art-kind of way. It was really nice.
I think that nothing in the camp was a flop, because everything was a part of live and a part of existing in this world. I think this was live in the purest way. I have loved it.
The top of the camp was for me just the being with all those very nice people witch are my friends now. It was the living and existing between very nice people.
I would like to thank all adults in this camp, for giving us the opportunity to be a part of it. Thank you.
Aleš Ločnikar, Slovene group
Zame je bil eno veliko doživetje. Predvsem je bilo soočenje s samim sabo in z vso skupino ljudi zelo intenzivno. Bila je tudi velika možnost, ki jo je bilo treba izkoristiti, da spoznaš del sebe, ki ga jaz osebno prej še nisem imel priložnosti spoznati in doživeti. Mislim, da če bi z eno besedo moral orisati ta teden, bi rekel… pestro. Res je bilo pestro, tako v smislu samih dogodkov, kot tudi na čustveni bazi. Vse je bilo eno veliko doživeto čustvo, napolnjeno z vsemi pojmi, ki jih premoremo. Mislim, da vsak tak dogodek pusti nekje neke sledi v vsakem človeku. Veliko se lahko naučimo in se tudi smo naučili. Bil je lep način oziroma priložnost Odraščanja. Posebej za mlade ljudi, ki se v svoji mladosti najbolj intenzivno učimo in odkrivamo variacije življenja in kako se z njimi spopasti in kako na njih reagirati. Iz tega vidika je bil ta teden tudi ena od mnogih »stopničk« življenja. Sam sem zelo užival v vseh čustvih in mislih ter problemih, ki so se pojavili in ki smo jih bili sposobni rešiti ali pa smo jih odnesli s sabo domov, da o njih še intenzivneje razmišljamo in jih, mogoče, delimo še s kom. Na sploh pa se ta teden ni končal z odhodom domov. Tako čustveno stran, ki bo šele počasi zbledela, kot probleme, ki so se pojavili, bomo, mislim da, še kar nekaj časa premlevali in iskali rešitve ter ne prej nehali, dokler da ne bomo zadovoljni z rešitvami. Vesel sem, da je to naša narava, da želimo poiskati rešitve in ne obupati že pri majhnih težavah. Velikokrat pravijo, da življenje kali človeka; mislim, da smo bili deležni tega. Seveda je vse odvisno od posameznika, njegovih interesov in želj ter njegovem načinu razmišljanja, ampak skupno nam je bilo, da v razvoju nismo nazadovali, niti ostali na mestu. Mislim, da smo vsi naredili korak naprej. Zame se je ta kamp zelo izplačal in bil je smiseln ter koristen. Približal nam je fakt, kako težko je za človeško raso reševati probleme na human in miren način. Kako zelo težko je v množici ljudi z različnimi interesi, kulturo, vero, običaji in načinom razmišljanja ubrati mirno pot. Najlažje je reševati problem s silo. Tam ni potreben razum, nobena pot, noben način in noben kompromis. V vojni je vse dovoljeno in rezultat je očiten. Nekdo od poražencev »zmaga«. Tako je pot do rezultata enostavna. Posledice pa so ne samo zelo dolgotrajne ampak tudi globoko tragične. Poleg vsega degradiranja človeške humanosti, smrti, bolezni, brezdomja... Žal se vojna ne konča, ko se končajo spopadi, ampak traja še mnogo let in več generacij. Vse to je bilo vidno tudi v tem tednu. Zelo pozitivno pa je bilo, da smo vsaj udeleženci, katerih v primerjavi z vso populacijo, ni bilo veliko, vsaj imeli željo reševati probleme na human in miren način. Želja je bila prisotna. Žal je to že veliko, ampak nekje se mora začeti. Bil je lep teden v znamenju mira na svetu. Mogoče se ne bi smel nikoli končati, ampak bi moral zrasti čez vse ljudi na svetu. Ampak to so verjetno samo sanje nekega fanta, ki bi rad spremenil svet. Premalo nas je…
Aleš Ločnikar
Translation of Ales' comments:
It was one great experience for me. Facing with myself and with the whole group of people was very intense. It was also a great opportunity that had to be exploited to discover a part of yourself, which I had not had the chance to see and experience yet. If I had to describe this week with one word, I would say … fulfilling. It really was, because of the happening itself, and also on the emotional level. Everything was one great experiencing feeling, filled with all meanings that we know of. I believe that every thing as powerful as that leaves some important marks and traces in every person. We can learn from it and indeed we had. It was a nice way and an opportunity of personal growth and growing up, especially for the young, because our learning is most intensive in our youth, when we are discovering different variations of life, how to deal with them and how to react. From this point of view this week was one of the many steps in our lives. I personally enjoyed in every single emotion, thought and problem we were facing with, and which we were able to solve or maybe brought it back home to think about it even more, and also share it with someone else. Certainly this week has not ended with going home. So as with the emotional side, which will slowly fade away, we will also be dealing with the problems that occurred, for quite some time in the future, if not in our whole life, finding solutions for them and not stopping before we are pleased with what we achieved. I am glad that it is in our nature to find the solutions and not to give up as early as when facing some minor difficulties. It is said many times that life makes a person stronger, and I believe we were a part of that. Of course it all depends on the person, his or her interests, desires and way of thinking, but what we all had in common was that we had not gone backwards in our growth, nor we stayed in place. I think we all made a step forward. For me, this camp proved itself; it was reasonable and useful. It brought closer the fact, how difficult it is for a human race to solve problems in a humane, peaceful way.
2. ami hollander
1. all the peacecamp was important to me... i loved all the people!!! nili othman abir... conni lia andrea... matej ales.. shadi nabeel... all!!!!
i loved all the activities expect ehud session!!!
2. i disliked the fact that in the start all the arbic kids spoke about the "nakba" and that was so uncomfertable for me.
3. the top in the peacecamp was the people!!! conni andrea anna michaela shadi lia and everyone was the top of the peacecamp!!!
ami hollander
3. Abdallha Asaly
1) the important experience to me
the art day and when we do dolls frankly this the first time that
i do something in my ability and this a new way to
show your imagination and your think and in this days
really i do all my best to create the doll and the picture.
2) when we do the first meeting with nili in this meeting we
the Arab group and the Jewish group- talk about our problems-
and after the meeting - i know that
my group was the best and we speak in good way- but
i feel that all the groups hate as and i don't know
what to do so we decided to play game to broke
the dominant despair.
3)the next day because we find
a solution to our problems and when we went to the laser showing .
see you soon in israel..
Abdallah, Reem and a doll
4. nabeel
1.do you remember a particular experience or event during the camp, which was important to you? Well, in fact there are many events which I still remember & I won’t forget. For example when we made dolls with Ivanka, it was really a great experience. In this experience I learned many things like: 1- An amazing thing that I haven’t known before, this thing is “how to make Dolls”. 2- How to express your feelings in a little thing like dolls. I see dolls every day but I have never thought that the dolls are “the feelings” of its maker. When I did my doll I put all my feelings in it so I made it beautiful and happy like my feelings, and I want to add that me happiness in that time was caused by the great thing which named “ PEACECAMP”. Another event, when we went to the lake, it was really great. We were mixed in the boats and we had a lot of fun in our way to the other side of the lake. We joked, laughed and helped one each other in rowing. I learned a strange thing and maybe you will be surprised when you read it, I learned a new feeling,”how it would feel to be in one boat with new friends”. And I wont forget when I and all the boys were joking and kidding in the night when all the lights were turned off. 2. what was a FLOP for you?
First of all The Food, I really disliked it, maybe it’s delicious for you because you used to eat this kinds of food in Austria but we didn’t.
I’m sure that I haven’t forgotten anything because it was really the greatest camp in my life.
A little note: I don’t think that the food is important in the “peacecamp”, because you feed us another things, you feed our minds and this is the important thing.
3. what was TOP for you?
It’s a little bit hard for me because as I said above I liked every moment there and I wish if I still there with you.
I liked the dancing the painting the discussions the free time the Olympics the lake the shopping and the most important thing “ the participants”.
I’m sorry if I forgot anything.
Evelyn PLEASE make another PEACECAMP (4)
5. Christoph
1. the whole camp was perfect... it was so much fun with alll of the
teachers and the kids...
the most perfect event was, when i was walking along with ales from the
slovenian group, because we started to built a great friendship...
we're talikng about god and the world, music, our lives and about our
i guess it helped me a lot to hang around with an older guy, like him...
i learned a lot in this night
another very deep experience was, when coral and i we're sitting alone on
the wall next to the castle and we were looking to the stars....
it was so amazing as she put her head on my shoulder...
2. flop.... there's only one big flop: the sessions with ehud!
it was also fun 'cause we started danicng, playing games and we're talking
to the other participans and so we learned about them and their culture.
3. in this point i can only tell you that everything was perfect... i still
miss all my new friends and the camp was one of the best things in my life
(one of the two best things)...
it's too difficult to give an example, because it was great...
6. shadi
1)In my opinion it's a hard question because every event I spent there was important to me, it because when you are with deferent people from deferent cultures and traditions you may learn from them a lot of things, exactly when you are so close to them. when I see the photos in the web, I remember all the things that all are important to me and because they let me learn a lot of things. now it's hard to chose what was the most important, but this what I can remember it, it's the conversations when we were with Aihod and the conflicts exactly when we talked about the Arabs and the Jews in Israel and it because that the Arabs are minority in Israel. and it was important to me because then I learned from what the authors said about me and it's help me to understand them and after than to answer them and to correct them and to tell them the true about me. and I think that in this camps we can know about author I mean Arabs and Jews and to be close to the author also then it will be easy that the peace will come true.
2)well it's easy to chose what I dislike during the camp because there is just one thing that I dislike and I hate it, it was the food that we ate in the castle and exactly the dinners I don’t know why but I didn't like it !!! and I remembered something that I should say . its for the adults and it should be as an advice "its not hard to say sorry exactly after you do a mistakes "its for the adults and you know what I mean…and for whom…
3)I really liked everything at the camp and felt that I was very lucky to had the chance to take part in an amazing camp like this with special friends like the Jewish group, the Austrian the Slovenian and also the Arabs group that I didn't knew them before except of Reem that I knew her before. and I liked the green nature that I sew there and the valleys and the water that we miss in Israel and I liked all the leaders and also Gubrealla,Auhod,Sosi,yosi and all of them and now I am just waiting to the next camp in Israel…
Shadi Matani
Israel "Qallansawa"
7. reem
1- from my own experience all the events in the camp were important for me,
and i cant forget any event. but the most exiting event and the most exiting
event when we sat in mixed groups and find solutions for the problems in
israel, and we find solutions to make the relationship between arabs and
jewish better and for me if we act with the thigs that we said we will make
the situation better and better and we can live new life.
for me these event was the most important event because i could understand
all the members of the group and because every group worked as one hand and
we showed for the teachers that we can be one hand and we can live together
jewish and arabs, and i learned that the children the guides of the new
future can change every thing they want if they act and if they worked
2+3- i liked every thing in the camp exept the food and some other things,
the food was so ugly but not all the time because sometimes i loved the food
and sometimes i hate it. now i want to talk about the good things because
there is nothing bad in the camp, for me making new relationships is good,
meeting old friends " the participants of peace camp 1 and 2", learning
about austria and saw beautiful places in austria and slovenia, learning
about the cultures and the traditions of every country and i saw that the
traditions of jewish, slovenian and austrian are the same cultures and the
arabs culture is so different. i remember something i disliked in the camp
and it is the flop that we lived 10 days in one house and after that every
one went to his\her old house so i am not sure if we can meet together again
all of us for this i am sad because i wont see my friends again but i hope
that one day we will meet again.
reem matani- israel
8. Jürgen
1. The thing that came to my mind when I thought of answering the question
is the duty all of us had to do during the camp. The "Cleaning duty". Four
of us, one person from each group had to clean the breakfast tables for
We learned to work together by cleaning the mess we (all participants) made
during the day.
However, I remind also the beautiful evenings we spent togetherand this
memory will stay in my heart forever.
2. I disliked the Ehud's lessons. We didn't have a chance to say what we
wanted to say because he was talking the whole time. This part of the camp
could have been better organised. His lessons were also very !boring! (Ami
you're just great bfg)
3. The thing I liked most was the whole atmosphere. We really liked each
other- "Love is in the air".
Well, I also think we all became good friends and this one of the most
important experiences one can have during his life. This should also help us
to reach peace in the future.
9. Jernej
1. The experience which was most important to me, happened on Monday at the evening discussion (family tree presentation). I was a part of something realy important (I strongly belive so). Students showed us (the adults) that all cultural and social differences, all prejudices and stigmas and all historical hatred, intolerance and political mistakes can be easily overcome, if we can listen to our good, unmanipulated side. They didn’t forget that they are Jews, Arabians, Austrians and Slovenes, but they discovered that there is something much more important than national or religious appurtenance; they realized that they are human beings which are living with other human beings. They try to solve problems as humans. And that is the greatest thing I heave experienced in my life. Thank you kids for showing me that that’s possible.
2. The greatest FLOP of this Peacecamp for me was Elfi’s assault on Sabreen during the Wednesday supper. I would like to forget it but I can’t. Such behavior is intolerable and I think that Elfi must apologize to Sabreen on the blogger.
The next thing is not a flop but just something that can be improved for the next event. The adults were to busy with them selfs and a schedule, so sometimes I got the feeling that we are forgetting the main an wonderful idea of the camp, being there for kids and show them to do better!
3. TOPS:
• Meeating great people (adults and the kids) and let them to become a big part of me
• Realizing that better world could be build with small steps as our peacecamp was.
• Finding out that as a teacher I’m working with incredibly smart and sensitive students, so to all the kids thank you for showing me that’s my work is important.
Jernej Bobek
10. eden
After peacecamp 2005
1. Do you remember a particular experience or event during the camp, which was important to you?
אני זוכרת כשעשינו פגישה בעליית הגג והתחלנו לדבר על המצב בישראל ואז היהודים והערבים התחילו לריב ולהאשים אחד את השני בכל הדברים בארץ וכל הזמן האוסטרים התערבו וניסו לעצור אותנו מלהאשים אחד את השני ובצדק!!!!! וכלום לא יצא לנו מהשיחה הזאת!!! ויום אחרי ישבנו עוד פעם בעליית הגג והפעם ישבנו בקבוצות מעורבבות של יהודים ערבים אוסטרים וסלובנים והמטרה שלנו היה למצוא פתרונות לסכסוך. באותו לילה מצאנו מלא פתרונות והבנתי שזה יותר מועיל לשבת ולדבר ולנסות למצוא פתרון ולא כל הזמן להאשים אחד את השני במה שקרה בעבר, לנסות לחשוב, לשבת ולפתור את כל הבעיות שצפויות לנו לעתיד בשביל שיהיה לנו עתיד טוב יותר כי העבר כבר היה ואותו לא נוכל לשנות....
2. Please write down in a few words what you disliked during the camp: what was a FLOP for you? Give at least one answer.
1. מאוד לא אהבתי את האוכל שהיה במחנה!!! ירדתי 4 קילו בעשרה ימים האלה ועכשיו אמא שלי דוחסת לי אוכל לפה....
2. כשאלפי צעקה על סברין זה היה ממש לא יפה כי כולם לא אהבו את האוכל במחנה וסברין לא אכלה יום אחד בארוחת ערב בגלל שהאוכל היה מגעיל (אני מבינה אותה), והיא לא התלוננה ולא דיברה ופתאום אלפי התחילה לצעוק עליה!! שלדעתי זה לא היה צודק! אלפי אחר כך לא ביקשה ממנה סליחה שזה היה לדעתי פשוט חוצפה!!
3. לא אהבתי שלא יצא לי לקבל בובה כשחילקו בובות, אבל אחרי כמה זמן הבנתי שזה לא בגלל מי שאני אלה בגלל שהיו כמה ילדים שהביאו למורים ואז לא נשאר לשני ילדים, ולא כולם בחרו בילדים שהם רוצים להביא להם, הם לקחו פתק ומי שיצא קיבל את הבובה...
4. לא אהבתי את המפגשים עם אהוד! הוא לא עזר לנו בגרוש! רק במפגשים האחרונים נהניתי כי סתם הבאנו טייפ לשם ורקדנו. אהוד לדעתי כל הזמן רצה שיהיה בינינו קונפליקטים שלא היו וניסה ליצור אותם.!
5. לא היה כייף שביום הראשון הגענו מאוחר וביום האחרון יצאנו מוקדם לשדה התעופה!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Please write down in a few words what you liked during the camp: what was TOP for you?
Give at least one answer.
1. היום הכי כיפי בשבילי היה יום היצירה כי נתתם לנו להשתולל כשרצינו. כי יש ילדים שלא יודעים לצייר (אני לדוגמא) ואז במקום זה נתתם לנו חופש לעשות מה שבה לנו ביצירה והתחלנו להשתולל ולצבוע אחד את השני וזה היה ממש ממש כייף. וגם הציור שאני עשיתי היה מופשט וסתם שיחקנו עם הצבע וזה היה כייף!! אז ראיתם למרות שאני שונאת יצירה יום היצירה היה היום הכי כייף בשבילי...
2. היום ספורט גם היה כייף ענקי!!!!!!!!!!! גם בגלל שניצחתי וגם בגלל כל הפעילויות הנחמדות שעשיתם לנו ביום ספורט. אני מאוד אהבתי את הקבוצה שהייתי איתה אז היה לי מאוד כייף (הייתי עם שאדי,ניקה ופלוריאן) ולמשל התחנה שבה היה צריך להאכיל אחד את השני עם יוגורט הייתה מאוד כיפית וכל הזמן צחקתי... והתחנה שבה היו צריכים להוציא ענבים מתוך הקמח הייתה מאוד כיפית ומצחיקה. אחרי היום ספורט גם היה לנו הרבה זמן חופשי וזה היה כייף סוף סוף לעשות מה שבראש שלנו...
3. הברביקיו היה טעים!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. היה כייף בלילה שלא הכרחתם אותנו ללכת לישון ונתתם לנו להיות בחדר בלי לישון. כי אני די השתוללתי בחדר ואלו היו הרגעים הכי כיפים שלי בטיול!! פשוט הייתי עם כל הבנות ודיברנו ועשינו צחוקים!
5. היה כייף גם שיצאנו קצת מהטירה לטיולים כי אני מאוד אוהבת לטייל! הטיול להר היה מאוד כייף ולמכרה. הטיול למערת הנטיפים היה קצת משעמם אבל גם הוא היה בסדר!
6. בלילה האחרון היה כייף שנתתם לנו אפשרות להיות אחד עם השני בלי ללכת לישון כי ככה היינו יכולים לבלות את השעות האחרונות שלנו ביחד עם כולם ולהשתגע ביחד! וגם היה מאוד כייף בלילה האחרון כי באמת השתגענו!!!
7. היה כייף כשכמה מאתנו הלכנו לפעמים לרקוד בעליית הגג, על כל מיני שירים וסתם רקדנו ועשינו חיים!!!
8. הנוף מהטירה היה מהמם!! היה כייף לגור שם וגם המיטות היו מאוד נוחות ולא היו בעיות עם השירותים או עם המקלחת!
9. היה כייף שנתתם לנו הרבה זמן חופשי ולמשל בזמן הזה הלכנו לשחק כדורגל עם כולם והיה מאוד כייף ומצחיק! וגם לפעמים סתם ישבנו על המדרגות ודיברנו אחד עם השני, אז לדעתי הזמן החופשי היה טוב!!
10. אני מאוד אהבתי את השיעור עם גבריאל בבוקר כי זה באמת עורר אותנו לדעתי. היא עשתה לנו הרבה פעילויות מעניינות מאוד וזה היה כייף ומשעשע!
11. אהבתי את השיחות סיכום כל ערב שהיינו כולנו ביחד עם כל המורים וכל המשתתפים בחדר אחד ודיברנו על מה שהיה ביום או על נושאים אחרים שקשורים עלינו.
12. אהבתי את זה שכל אחד הביא לכל אחד מקבוצה אחרת מתנה, כי עכשיו יש לכל אחד לפחות מזכרת ממשהו שהוא הכיר ואוהב. אהבתי גם את הדרך שבו חילקתם את המתנות, זו הייתה הדרך הכי ניטרלית שאפשר.
13. אהבתי מאוד את הנסיעה לאגם!!!!!!!!!!!! כי בה נתתם לנו מלא חופש! נתתם לנו להסתובב שם בשוק לבד וכמה שרצינו, נתתם לנו ללכת לאן שרצינו, לא הכרחתם אותנו להיות עם מבוגר, האגם היה יפה, התחרות של הסירות משוטים הייתה מאוד כיפית. ואותו דבר עם הנסיעה למופע האורות שהיה, כי אני סוניה וקרן הסתובבנו בעיר שם ובכלל שחכנו מהמופע אורות והיה מאוד כייף כי פשוט הסתובבנו בעיר ואכלנו פיצה והיה מצחיק!
14. לא יודעת למה... אבל היה כייף שכל הצלמים באו ביום האחרון וראיינו אותי.
15. היה כייף שכולם חתמו לי על החולצה של ה- peacecamp .
16. היה כייף לרקוד את הריקוד y.m.c.a שזה בעצם היה הריקוד של ה- peacecamp .
17. בקיצור אלו היו העשר ימים הכי כיפים שהיו לי בחיים אני מודה לכל מי שתרם לזה כסף ובכלל לכל מי שתרם!!!! זו הייתה חוויה כיפית ומלמדת שאני לא יודעת מה הייתי עושה עם עצמי אם הייתי מוותרת עליה. הכרתי אנשים כל כך חמודים!!! יצרתי מלא חברויות עם ילדים מארצות אחרות שלא חשבתי שדבר כזה יקרה לי בחיים! שיפרתי את האנגלית שלי בצורה מדהימה! אני מאוד מקווה שיהיה עוד peacecamp כי אני לא יודעת מה אני ישעה אם לא יהיה, כי אני מתגעגעת לכל החברים שלי משם. אני אוהבת את כולם שם ויש לי עכשיו חברים חדשים לכל החיים!!!!
Eden /translated
1. A meaningful experience on the camp and what I learned from it
I remember that we sat in the attic one evening and started to talk about the situation in Israel, and the Arabs and the Jews started to argue and to blame one another for all the things which happen in Israel, and the Austrian would intervene all the time and would try to stop us from accusing one another - and rightly so!!!! And nothing came out for us from this conversation! And on the next evening we sat again in the attic and this time we sat in mixed groups of Jews, Arabs, Austrian and Slovenes and our goal was to find solutions for the conflict. And on this evening we found lots of solutions and I understood that it is more useful to sit and talk and try to find solutions to the conflicts, rather than to accuse one another for what had happened in the past, and to try and think and solve the problems which we are likely to confront ion the future, so that we have a better future, because in any case, the past has already happened and we cannot change the past.
1. I very much disliked the food on the camp!!!!! In these 10 days I lost 4 kilos and now my mom puts all the time food in my mouth!
2. When elfi shouted at sabreen this was really not nice because all of us disliked the food and sabreen did not eat supper one night because the food was really disgusting (I understand her), but she did not complain nor say anything, and suddenly elfi started to shout at her!! In my opinion this was not fair! After that elfi did not apologize to her and this, in my opinion, is a real cheek!!!!!
3. I disliked the fact that I did not receive a doll when they distributed the dolls, but some time later I understood that this was not because of what I am, but because some kids decided to give their dolls to the teachers and therefore two kids were left without a doll, not all the kids gave dolls to the kids to whom they wanted to give one, but the drew a piece of paper and gave their doll to the person whose name was written on it,….
4. I did not like the sessions with ehud! He was not helpful to us at all! I enjoyed only the last sessions, because we brought a tape recorder and danced there. Ehud all the time wanted us to have conflicts amongst us and we did not have any, and he tried to create them among us.
5. It was not nice to arrive late at night on the first day and to leave to the airport so early on the last day!!!!!!!!!!
3. TOP?
1. For me the most enjoyable day was the creative day because you just let us have fun while we were creating things. Because there are kids who do not know to paint (me for example) and so you just let us have fun and we started to paint one another and this was really fun! And also the paining that I did was abstract and I just played around with the paint and this was really fun!! So you see, even though I hate to be creative, the creativity day was the best day for me!
2. The sport day was also a day of great fun!!!!! Also, because I won, but also because all the nice activities that you prepared for us on the sport day!!!!! I very much liked the team I was part of and so I had lots of fun (I was with shadi, nika and florian) and for example the station where we had to feed each other yoghurt was very funny and I was laughing all the time…. The station at which we had to pick up the raisins out of the flour was also very funny. At the end of the sport day we also had plenty of free time and this was also very nice, to just be able to do what we wanted to do.
3. The barbeque was really tasty!!!!!!!!!!
4. At night, it was nice that you did not force us to sleep and let us stay in the room without sleeping! As a matter of fact I as fooling around in the room and these were the best moments for me on the trip! We just were there all the girls and would talk and laugh and make fun!
5. It was also very nice to go out of the castle and go on trips. Because I really like going on trips! Climbing the mountain was really fun! The trip to the ice-caves was a bit boring, but it was also okay!
6. on the last night it was nice that you just let us stay with one another and did not have us go to sleep because in this way we could spend the last hours together and get crazy together! So the last night was really fun because we did really fool around together!!!!
7. It was fun when some of us would sometimes go up in the attic and dance together on all kinds of music and songs and just enjoy ourselves!!
8. The landscape around the castle was fabulous!!!! It was fun living there and also the beds were good, and there were no problems with the bathrooms and showers!!!!
9. It was great that you gave us plenty of free time and in this time we used to play football and it was really great fun. And sometimes we would just sit and chitchat on the stairs and in my opinion these free times were really good!!
10. I very much enjoyed the morning sessions with Gabrielle which would really make us wake up in my opinion! She made us do all sorts of very interesting activities and this was fun and entertaining°!!
11. I liked the daily summary-talks each evening when we sat all of us and all the teachers and talked about what had happened on that day or about other things.
12. I liked that everybody brought gifts to everybody from the other groups, because now everybody has at least one souvenir from somebody that he met and likes. I also liked the way in which you distributed the gifts, which was the most neutral way to distribute them.
13. I very much liked the trip to the lake! Because there you gave us really a lot of freedom! You let us walk around the shops as much as we wanted you did not force us to be with an adult, the lake was beautiful, the rowing race was really fun! The same thing at the trip to the lights-show at the lake, because Sonia, keen and myself walked around and we completely forgot about the show and it was just fun to walk around the city and have pizza and ice cream!
14. I don't know why …., but it was fun when all the photographers came on the last day and I was interviewed.
15. It was fun when everybody signed their names on my peacecamp-shirt.
16. It was fun to dance the ymca-dance which was actually the peacecamp-dance.
17. So finally, these were the best 10 days I ever had in my whole life and I thank everybody who contributed to it money or who simply contributed to it!!!! This was the most pleasurable experience and the experience from which I learned most and I don't know what I would do with myself, had I missed it!!!!! I met so sweet people!!! I made lots of friends with kids from other countries whom I would never have met and I would never have believed that something like this could happen to me!!!! I also very much improved my English! I very much hope that there will be another peacecamp because I don't know what I will do if there is none! Because I so much miss all my friends and I very much love all of them and I know that I now have new friends for the rest of my life!!!!
11. Saso
1. One special experience was when we talk about problems in Izrael.
The second one was when we were talk about our famali.
2. I didn't like that we didn't have a lot of free time, because
during our free time we can easyer talk with others participants.
3. I realy like the last day, becasuse we have a lot of free time and
the Olypic games.
Big hug from Radlje, Sašo!
1) I think that the peacecamp was from the beginning till the end a very special experience. I cannot even say which one was the best . Well, I think, one really particular situation was the end of the peacecamp. Everybody was sad to leave the others and I think this showed that we became real good friends during these 10 days. A big family! Another very particular experience was also the doll- making day. I think I was really concentrated and forgot everything around me and it was also very great that everybody gave his doll to somebody else of the group. It is a great feeling to share things, and just think about that one of your friends now has something of you. Isn’t it a good feeling?
2) A flop? I think that the Ehud lessons were no effectiv discussions. Because we didn’t discuss! We didn’t had the opportunity to say what we think, because he was talking all the time.
3) What I liked?—I liked the peacecamp. Everything in it, the activities (olympic games, dancing, climing up the mountain, visiting the lake, the boat race...) I liked the evenings we spent together, the discussions with Nili (expescially the group discussion), I enjoyed to see the family albums, the last night, the peacecamp dance( YMCA)..and for sure I LOVE all the people i met there. This week was a real great lifetime experience for me and I think everybody will keep it in mind as a wonderful, funny week we spent together.
There were also some quarrels, which were not okay, but I think everytime many people are together there are some problems and you cannot really do anything agains it.
I think on this camp I saw that thinking about peace is quite easy talking about it and finding solutions is more difficult and making peace is the most difficult thing in the world. But we can say, we started to help, to make the world a peaceful place to live in.
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