Tuesday, 13. December 2005
I found this chilling and it brought tears to my eyes. Enjoy!

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Saturday, 10. December 2005
To the Austrians and the Slovenes
I have no intention to take chrage or anything,
but I just wants things to move in order to finally plan a peacecamp in Israel.
So, I understood from Nili that she doesn't know if you guys are even planing on joining a second peacecamp... so, do ya?


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Thursday, 1. December 2005
Drei Tore und ein bisschen Frieden

Foto: AP

Barcelona - Der FC Barcelona gewann Montagabend vor mehr als 30.000 Zuschauern im Stadion Nou Camp ein Spiel gegen eine Auswahl von israelischen und palästinensischen Internationalen durch Tore von Deco und Maxi Lopez bzw. des Israelis Abas Suan mit 2:1. Den Ehrenanstoß zum "Spiel für Frieden", das von Shimon Peres' Zentrum für Frieden unterstützt wurde, nahm Schauspieler Sean Connery vor. Ronaldinho, eben erst zu Europas Fußballer des Jahres gekürt, staunte nicht schlecht über den Hadern von James Bond a. D. (Der Standard, 1. Dezember 2005)

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Tuesday, 29. November 2005
game without borders: football for peace
Spiel ohne Grenzen: Fußball für den Frieden

Ein israelisch-palästinensisches Fußball-Team wird heute Abend (29.11.) gegen
die führende Fußball-Mannschaft in Spanien antreten. Wie zu erwarten wird es
bei dem Spiel in Barcelona weniger um Fußball als um ein Zeichen der
Verständigung zwischen Palästinensern und Israelis gehen. "Fußball ist nur
eine Ausrede für das Werben um unser gemeinsames Ziel - Frieden zwischen
unseren beiden Völkern", war das Schlagwort beim Abflug in Tel Aviv am
Montag. Die israelische Delegation zu dem Fußball-Event zählt 200 Personen,
darunter Politiker, ehemalige Fußball-Stars und Trainer, sowie israelische
und palästinensische Jugendliche, die am Schulprojekt für Fußball und Frieden
des Peres Center for Peace in Israel teilnehmen. (Ynet, 29.11.)

An Israeli-Palestinian football-team will play tonight against the leading soccer team in Spain. As one would expect, this game is a symbol of a possible understanding between Palestinians and Israelis."Football is more the excuse for our striving towards the common goal - peace between the two nations" was the slogan of the football team as they departed from Tel-Aviv last monday. The Israeli delegation to the football-evcent in Spain has 200 persons, some of them politicians, former football-stars, trainers as well as palestinian youth, participants of the school-project "football for peace" of teh Peres-Centre in Israel. (Ynet, 29.11. translated by evelyn böhmer-laufer)

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Monday, 28. November 2005
Guten Abend jeder :)
"To the FRIENDS I left behind,
To the beautiful MEMORIES I keep inside my mind,
And to the MOMENTS I wish to rewind (...)"

I hope you're all doing just fine and enjoying each and every day, and won't stop smiling.
Anyway, I can't wait till I will finally get to see you all again!

In the mean while - All of you austrians and slovenes - YOU HAVE SNOW - that's so not fair, I want snow here as well :( Hope you're having fun with it, the way I don't.

Good luck to each one of you, in case you're having a test (I have seven days to relax before my next test in Art) - *Ich habe sieben Tage vor meiner nächsten Prüfung in Kunst zu entspannen*.

So, good evening!
*hugs and kisses*
Yours forever,

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Wednesday, 16. November 2005
Somebody... I want an answer
Hey everyone :) what's up?
I hope everyone's doing just fun and enjoying school and everything. To those of you (like me) that have tests - GOOD LUCK!

All I wanted to know is if there will be a second peacecamp, and if so - when?
I mean, I can understand if it's not for sure - but does anyone even plan such a thing?

Love you all,
Good night!

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Wednesday, 9. November 2005
hello lihi!
My little lechi leizdayen calba!!
I just wanted to tell you that ani mitgagat elehai veani ohevet otach so much!
well, I think it`s all I wanted to tell you!
no, there`s just one little thing left: tesajney et aba shelach wetitaki alaw!
love you, my little kofa mefageret!
yours andrea

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Sunday, 6. November 2005
We are going to visit Saso, Ales, David, Ivanka, Monica, Nica...and the rest of the slovenes on thursday..and we are all really looking forward to this meeting. Cause I mean in some way they are near but on the other hand they are so far away that we haven't seen them since the camp.:-( So I am really happy about seeing them again..juchu!!!:-)

I mean it would be better to see aaaalllllll of the peacecampers but anyway...

Going to tell you about the meeting..hugs Michaela

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Wednesday, 2. November 2005
Tomorrow is Keren's birthday, she's finally turning 15!
I love you!!! Best of wishes!

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To all Arabs,
Happy Eid El-Phiter!
Have fun guys partying!
Lihi. =)

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